Why We Need To Keep An Eye On Kyrsten Sinema

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1 min readNov 10, 2021


It really shouldn’t surprise anyone that Kyrsten Sinema has a much bigger political ambition than she’s letting on. While the media isn’t saying so, if you look carefully at her moves so far, it’s giving off the impression that she’s seeking higher office than the Senate. What exactly is that office? Joe Biden’s office: #POTUS. That’s right, Sinema’s making moves to primary Biden in 2024 for the Democrats’ presidential nomination if given the chance.

The reason behind Sinema running for president is very simple: to bring the party into the right-wing…




I say what I think. Я говорю что думаю. #uniteblue #connecttheleft #feelthebern #liberal #democrat #blogger #graduate from @SFSU.